Johnson & Dirksen Law

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Practice Areas

We specialize in offering sound legal advice, planning assistance, and official document creation. To better serve you, we concentrate our focus on three primary practice areas. Each area covers a wide range of related services, all of which are backed by decades of proven results. When you need valid and legal contracts that will protect you, choose Johnson & Dirksen.

Corporate Law

The firm has assisted commercial clients across most industries and is experienced in significant merger and acquisition transactions involving both public and privately held businesses. We also assist individuals who need legal advice and/or legal documents in this area and offer a wide range of services related to Corporate Law.

Estate Planning

Estate Planning, also called Succession Planning or Legacy Planning, gives you peace of mind regarding your personal medical decisions, financial assets, and property holdings. We possess the legal, accounting, and tax knowledge necessary to assist you. We also know how delicate these matters can be and are careful to handle them with respect and kindness.

Tax Law

We understand the legal rules that determine how federal, state, and local governments calculate the tax you or your company owes, as well as the legal procedures that must be followed to comply with these tax laws. We offer a wide range of services in this area to help save you money.